Partnership Engagement Grant (E)

This is a preview of the SERTA Partnership Engagement Grant form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

SERTA Partnership Engagement Application form


Please review the Guidelines before commencing this application.

Please have the Institutional Letter of Support completed for upload into this application.

Enquiries: or 5687 0663


1.  As this grant is to help GCHHS engage with another organisation as a Partner on an NHMRC, ARC, or similar grant application, all eligibility criteria of the relevant granting body must be met.

2.  Applicants will not be awarded more than one Partnership Engagement Grant per year.

3.  Currently funding is capped at $50,000 per application however, the amount awarded is dependent on the requirements requested of our organisation.

4.  At least one Principal Investigator (PI) or Associate Investigator (AI) must hold a continuing appointment at GCHHS (permanent appointment or be temporarily employed at GCHHS for at least the duration of the project should it be funded). This includes applicants with a conjoint appointment with a university.

5.  At least one PI or AI from GCHHS must be an experienced researcher with a strong track record of having previously led multiple research projects to completion.

6.  Including an emerging researcher as an Associate Investigator (AI) on a Partner Engagement Grant is encouraged as it builds research capacity at GCHHS. If emerging researchers are included, they should be supported by a nominated mentor listed on the grant.

7.  The applicant must ensure that the one-off payment by GCHHS (in the year funding for the partnership project award begins) is consistent with the rules of the partnership scheme to which the application is to be made.

8.  The partnership must be administered by an Australian-based organisation (NHMRC/ARC Administering institution if applying for one of the major grants) and the bulk of the proposed project must be performed in Australia.

9.  A portion of the proposed research activity must take place within GCHHS.