This is a preview of the SERTA - OPEN ACCESS JOURNAL PUBLICATIONS - 2023/2024 form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.


Important Information

The Gold Coast health (GCH) Study, Education and Research Trust Account (SERTA) provides funding for research, education and professional development activities and is available to all GCH employees where the activity is applicable to the applicant's work and is consistent with GCH strategic goals.

The SERTA Committee is administered as per the Health Service Directive: Private Practice in the Queensland Public Sector and reports to the GCH Private Practice Governance Committee.

The guideline outlines the application process for employees seeking financial support for journal publications. Please ensure that you have read and understand the SERTA Journal Publication guidelines before commencing your application.

A letter of support, signed by your line manager will need to be uploaded into this application.  Please download the letter of support template for completion.

Once you have commenced your online application, you can 'save' at any stage and return to it at a later time.

Please note: The SERTA committee meets on the third Wednesday of each month.  Applications must be received two weeks before the scheduled meeting to allow for a review process to be conducted prior to consideration by the Committee.

Enquiries: or 5687 0663.


Please note: The manuscript must acknowledge affiliation with Gold Coast Health.

If funding is approved for this application, the following acknowledgement must be made in the manuscript.

This work was supported by the Gold Coast Health, Study, Education and Research Trust Account (SERTA)"